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  • Boost Your Sales & Profit

  • Build Your Business Success

  • Buy our Customizable SEO-Ecom Website / Webstore
  • Get Live Demo & Follow Our FREE E-Book & Video Guides
  • Practice the Proven Success Blueprint
Proven Success Blueprint

1 Page Formula

1 Hour A Day Practice


New Clients &

"dreaming of big business means, it exists!"
- ThyagaRajan, Founder-Business  Growth Hub
There are huge number of Professionals and Business Owners NOT using their business websites or Ecommerce Stores properly The web pages are simply sitting & doing nothingDo You Want to change the Game?
Friends in Staduim
New Start- Up?
Looking For 
Additional Source Of

If you want your business websites or online store to work for you 24x7 like a sales agent, Then You are our client! Simply follow our 3 Steps Easy Guide by Understanding our FREE recorded E-Course with Pdf's & implement the Marketing Strategies on 1 Hour A Day basis Continously - You will get succeed!


In addition to the Progressive E-Commerce System, You can also Top - Up with PAID Live Coaching (5 to 10 members in a Group ) on required divisions of Digital Marketing ( Ex: Face Book Ads). And, Our Team will be with you till You make Your First 10 To15 Sales on your own effort by which you will learn the Marketing Strategy.


What;s in a

simple web page?!


Turn Your Passion In To Profit Online
With Trades Pro

Trades Pro is well known for its stunning designs blended with human touch in creating Business class Websites and E-Commerce Stores @ affordable prices. 

We offer complete package for New Start -Ups &  our works start from the basic  foundation which includes Strategical Marketing Analysis, Niche Clarification based on Keyword Tools, Branding, Color Scheme, Content & Creativity .



Founder's Speak


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy.

Please read this article, Before Starting The Designing

But, If you are the company or an individual & looking for just an online presence, Please Understand, We do not offer that alone. We provide complete marketing solutions in the form of E-course @ Free of cost. Also, We provide a Proven Execution Blueprint @ Free of Cost & By practicing the suggested steps, You can get a Website or an Online Store which will work for You 24x7 even while you sleep!

Creating a Successful online Presence is a process of blending Creative Arts & Data Science in addition the Platform's Technology 

A Search Engine Optimized Web Pages requires Planning of contents *including traffic driven keywords after deep analysis based on Automated Tools & Its not like a simple drag & drop work!

We offer Stunning Design & Developement of Professional Business Websites &  

E-Commerce Stores Integrated with complete Digital Marketing Features & AutomationTools Powered By Artificial Intelligence.


Creating Page Title & Description as per the system requirements & Submission to Search Engine for every page

Creating & Submitting of Structured Data which is a way of describing your site to make it easier for search engines to understand for which   you’ll need a vocabulary that presents content in a way that search engines can understand.

Creating Meta tags which are snippets of code that tell search engines important information about your web page, such as how they should display it in search results. They also tell web browsers how to display it to visitors. And, The Meta Tag includes Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Robots, Meta Refresh Redirect, Mata Charset, Meta Viewport!

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Content is the King


Bill Gates said on 1st March 1996 - Till date,It is proved true!

Click Here

* Web Page content refers to all the information contained in a website. Page content can be displayed as text, links, images, audio, animation or videos among other things.

Google Analytics.png
Google  Search console.png

We have 3 Types of Unique featured E-Commerce Systems:

Progressive E-Commerce Systems which is the fast &top selling product ,It focusses on Business Websites for Professionals & Online Stores for Retail shops.Underwhich,There are 3 unique models:

1) Any Time Business which is developed exclusively for StunningBusiness websites without payment gateway integration. 

2) Anywhere Ecommerce: Deluxe e-commerce online store with all necessary features.

2) Everywhere E-Commerce The concept developed for individual Retail shop Marketer with ADDITIONAL FACILITIES to integrate the online store with any CMS, Blogs & Social Media Websites. This is an advanced e-commerce online store


# All models are integrated with advanced digital marketing systems

Google Tag Manager.png

" What drive me through these innovative excellent concepts which gives massive success day by day to my customers? "  When I search to find the innovative & excellent solutions to boost the sales of my wonderful products , I always struggled at two points mainly: That is Features & The Price. If I find a superb website platform in view of required features & Inbuilt Plugins, it dosent have the design capability; On the other side, If a web platform have all the  design elements ,it dosent have all the required website features including some mandatory elements like SSL and PCI-DSS certifications . Eventhough, If I find both at one place, It dosent support the marketing & automation integrations!! Oh, My God! Even - Even, If I find all the 3-in-1 platforms, The price is Toooo high. What to do? I spent more time & money for research on the internet; Thank God, Finally I found a way that selecting a best sophisticated platform which has many inbuilt plugins & getting additional plugins based on the application and requirements  & make it one by means of integration and getting supported by external resources for success guidance to develope an advanced E-Commerce system which can give contineous progressive growth for the owners of the businesses. I personally used this system for my services & products and Got very much satisfied results,Finally I have decided to offer it for my customers...

Most Popular Plan
Progressive E-Commerce System: 
Plan : Anywhere Ecommerce
Rs. 16,000**

(** Indicated Price Only For India subject to change without prior notice - For other countries, Design & Development charges are 100 USD, Apart from the actual platform cost) 


For a Complete Dynamic & Progressive E-Commerce  including:   


  • Domain

  • Cloud Hosting - 35 GB Storage

  • Unlimited Bandwidth

  • SSL certificate (https) worth Rs.4500  

  • Key word Analysis

  • Search Engine Optimized Web Pages using up to 25 Keywords including Schema & Structured data* - Maximum No of Pages : 25

  • Social Media Links & Sharing

  • E-Commerce Store

  • Online Booking for Individual / Group Discussion

  • Members Area

  • Event Booking

  • Discount POP-UP

  • Site Search

  • Mobile Optimized Website

  • Blog with Back End Panel to post blogs

  • Platform based Mobile App

  • 5 Customizable Forms integration

  • Live Chat Box (or) Whatsapp / Messenger Link

  • Business mail ID - 2 nos

  • 10 Video Hours direct upload

  • Backend Panel to upload Images or edit the text

  • Google Location site Map 

  • Connect To Google Feature

  • Instagram post display at your site

  • Customized About, Subscription/ Contact, FAQ pages

  • 1 Promotional Video

  • Online Business Card

  • PCI-DSS certified Platform  

  • 1 Year Free Maintenance with 2 modifications per month 


FREE Marketing Feature that You can use:

  • 3 Email Campaigns per month or 5000 mails per month

  • 3 Social Posts Per Month


* Mentioned SEO is one time work  - Result in 3 -4 months for improvement in SERP, However ongoing SEO is suggested

Compare All Plans
Anywhere Ecommerce

Feature's Benefits of the above Plan


Get a free domain voucher for 1 year. Offer valid for the following extensions: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .rocks, .pictures,, .club, .space, .xyz.


UNLIMITED Bandwidth means The more media you add to your website, the more bandwidth it requires. Keep data downloading smooth and site visitors happy.


35GB Storage More storage means more space to upload your own images, videos, mp3s, and other files to your website.

Free 10 Video Hours Upload up to 10 hours of video for playback in high definition. Apart from this, Embedded videos are always free.


Progressive E-Commerce Features Grow your online business with subscriptions, automated sales tax, currency conversion, marketplace integration and more. SSL Certified will ensure Security at your website and boost your SEO . We take care of web hosting to make sure your site is safe and secure. Manage your contacts and collect subscribers in one organized place. Mobile-Optimized Your website will automatically look amazing on any device. Member Login Create password-protected pages that only your members can access. While using theWeb Platform's Live Chat, Get notified when  your the customers visited your website by pop-up message.  Get Subscribers Make it easy for visitors to subscribe to your mailing list and stay in the loop. The Web Platform's Mobile App Accept bookings & purchase by your customers & Enable you to manage your business & website right from your phone . 



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Strategical Marketing Analysis:


Strategical market examination isn't an idea that has been broadly talked about, yet it's any market investigation identifying with the overall strategy of your Organization, or even the individual decision you make inside that Organization. We help you identify The strategic marketing plan which clarifies the marketing objectives and explains how marketing activities will help your organization achieve its broader goals and objectives.The showcasing plan additionally centers around the organization's assets on arriving at target clients and driving them to act.

Branding Focused Designs :

Brand identity incorporates logos, typography, Colours & shadings, Packaging, and Communications and it complements and reinforces the existing reputation of a brand. We help you to get Brand identity that draws in new clients to a brand while causing existing clients to feel at home. ... It's crucial that brand character be steady 

Online Advertising:

Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising or web advertising, is a form of Marketing and advertising which utilizes the Internet to convey promotional and marketing messages to buyers by showcasing Text Ads /Image & Video Ads. We help you to get result from the advertisement at Google, Facebook, Linked In Etc

Our Customers For Progressive E-Commerce Systems:

New Start - Ups: Passion driven enthusiastic Individuals who dreams for New Earnings including Fresh entrepreneurs, College Students / Employed Persons who looks for additional source of Income

All SME* Sectors like Retail Shops, Large Stores & B2B /  Whole Sales & Manufacturers - For Both Manufacturing & Service Sectors;*In some countries,It is SMB ( Small Medium Enterprises OR Small Medium businesses)

For Professionals, Institutions, Organizations and

All Service Sectors - Applicable for Hospitals, Real Estate, Educational Institutions, Insurance Cos, Financing, Law Firms, Fitness Studios, Entertainment, Automobiles / Service Centers Etc

Non - Profit Organizations - Those are willing to expand wings & Looking forNew Members

Looking for an advanced sophisticated E-commerce online store that enables you to open your store Everywhere even at a Top social media like Facebook & at Different blog sites?
Everywhere Ecommerce

Sell Everywhere,


We are partnered with Top Global Brands and Companies in E-Commerce Industries to help you to sell Everywhere, Wherever your customer visits online - Be at your own online store or at your blogs and facebook , Instagram and at many other social media sites!

In other words, Get 5 or more FULL FEATURED E-Commerce Webstores @ cost of 1 Store!

Anywhere E-Commerce Websites starting at Rs. 12,000 per month ( Subjectto chnage without prior notice) + One Time Design & Development Charges Rs.7500

No Discount - Fixed Price

Free SSL Certificate + PCI - DSS Certified + Amazon Cloud Hosting + 45 plus automatic Language Detection+ 45 plus Payment Gateways + Sell on any Device + Sell on Any Sites + Track Inventory


# Set Up Shop Everywhere on the Web  # Sell On Any Device # Sell also at Offline in Stores # Add Your Stores to Social Sites # Get a Centralized DashBoard!
  • Abandoned Cart   

  • Marketplace Integration   

  • Android Application   

  • Multi Lingual   

  • Advanced Reports  

  • Device Based Themes  

  •  IP based currency   

  • Integrated Logistics-Multiple Provider   

  • Online Booking

  • Email/SMS Notifications   

  • Payment Gateway Integration   

  • Integrated Logistics-Single Provider   

  • SEO Ready   

  • Facebook Store   

  • Discount Engine   

  • Free SSL   

  • Reports & Analytics   

  • Blog    

  • Multi Stores for each category

  • Multi currency

  • Multiple Shipping integrations

  • Multi Payment options

All Features of 'Make My Busy Shop' + Below Features for Just Rs.25000
For Detailed Cost Break ups & Add on Advertisement costs, Please check this page'Pricing'

Wherever Customer Visits Online!


Amazon For Home Makers

Amazon For Students

Amazon For Working - Professionals

Amazon For Existing - Entrepreneur

Start Your Side Business


Business Websites

Branding Websites

Ecommerce Store

Appointment Booking - Portal

Forum Website

Membership Website

Onine Course Portal

Events Booking

User Central Mobile App

Native Mobile Apps

Owner's App

Category Apps

Category Portals


Marketing Module

Customer Management - 


Service Module

Operations Module

CRM Software

Accounts Software

Creative Works




Design Process

SEO Process

Paid Advertising Process


Video Making Softwares


Virtual Training

Online Courses

Success Stories



Ecommerce Project Consultancy

Product Consultancy

Sourcing Consultancy

Cost - Working Consultancy

Packing Consultancy

Shipping Consultancy

Brand Name Creation

Logo Designing

Branding Labels

Branding Content Posts

Branding Content Posters

Branding Content Articles

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Linked In Ads


GST Registration

FSSAI Registration

Trade Mark Registration

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

© 2023By Trades Pro 



Trades Pro

Chennai - 600 072,

Tamil Nadu






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